A Classic Gin for Extraordinary People.
Ex46 is a classic dry gin inspired by The Gin Kitchen co-founder Kate's aeronautical background and skillfully distilled with the flair and finesse of an aviation pioneer.
Precision and balance are key to producing this sophisticated gin. Ex46 glides and dances across the tongue; a salute to leather seats, freshly machined titanium and JP-8 aviation fuel!
Ex46 is a smooth sipping gin and an exceptional base for cocktails. In particular the Aviation cocktail (100ml Ex46, 50ml Lemon Juice, 25ml Maraschino liqueur and 25ml Creme de Violette). For a more traditional G&T style serve, mix with a good tonic and garnish with flamed lemon peel.
Nose: Aromatic citrus and pine. The scent of adventure!
Texture: Creamy, rich and as smooth as laminar airflow.
Palate: Piney juniper core with zest and pepper. Sweet and skillfully balanced.
Finish: Clean fragrant juniper; dry and enduring.