The Ginger Cat Gin
The Ginger Cat Gin was created in 2019 by Reeba, our Head Distiller.
- Nose: Lightly spiced hot-cross bun
- Palate: Silky smooth, delicately spiced, vibrant and opulent.
- Finish: Cinnamon, tonka fragrance.
Gently distilled in a small batches. Non-chill filtered.
How to serve
Serve in a high ball glass with ice and tonic. We like to garnish with dehydrated orange and a cinnamon stick.
Silky smooth tonka from South America, Iranian orange flowers, cinnamon, orange zest and a little ginger, Kossovo juniper, grain spirit.
Key information
48% vol.
EAN 5060518360107
Coumarin concentration <1mg/L.